Better relations.
Better results.

Every challenge in your organization can be traced back to interpersonal struggles and miscommunication. With this concept we empower you, your team and your organization to continuously build, manage and sustain your relationships for better results in the long run.

If you are asking yourself …

  • Why do we always have the same problems?
  • Are we efficient in what we do?
  • Why do we always have the same problems?
  • Why are we not making progress?
  • Why are things so difficult?
  • Is the mood actually good in our team?

We believe the answers lie in your relationships viewed in five dimensions.

All dimensions are interconnected. In complex systems like organizations, relationships must be holistically considered due to mutual influence.
For each of the dimensions, we offer proven systemic interventions and services.

#1 Relationship with yourself.

# 1:1 Coaching.
# Career coaching.
# Personal purpose discovery journey.

#2 Leadership as a relationship.

# Leadership coaching.
# Conflict mediation.
# Cross-generation coaching.

#3 Management of relations.

# Leadership design.
# Decision management.
# Leadership in a crisis.
# Feedback.

#4 Team relations.

# Team development.
# Self organization.
# Efficiency & effectiveness.
# Meaningful agility.

#5 Organization as a system of relations.

# Strategy.
# Implementation & transfer.
# Hybrid organization.
# Innovation mining.
# Transformation.

About us and our relationship

We are Simon and Nina.
As a duo, we complement each other to best support you as a team and organization in your relationship matters, while continually reflecting on each other.
Our own story and relationship with each other is characterized by varied levels. With unique experiences, influences, and qualifications each, we bring double the strength to your organization.
We met ten years ago in a creative agency, starting with a hierarchically defined relationship. Together, we tackled challenging projects and built a digital unit. Our professional bond evolved into a friendship, marked by various phases—jogging routines one year, setting up a shared office another. Simon honed his IT skills as an Agile Coach and Scrum Master, while Nina advanced her freelance career as a Brand Strategist and Creative Planner. Our paths converged again through our training as systemic coaches and team developers at the isB Wiesloch institute, eventually leading us both from Frankfurt to Berlin, where Simon further expanded his skills as an organizational developer at the artop institute.
Now, we're here, ready to help you strengthen your relationships.
